[TITLE Minsk Open'09] [BLACK Ryazhechkin Alexey] [WHITE Shtukenberg Dmitry] 1. P-2f 2. P-3d 3. P-2e 4. B2b-3c 5. S3i-3h [Yuji Kikuta commented this move as "too simple" and leading to defeat. Alexey should pay S4h instead of S3h] 6. R8b-4b 7. K-6h 8. P-4d 9. G4i-5h 10. S3a-3b 11. S7i-7h 12. S3b-4c 13. K-7i 14. K-6b 15. P-7f 16. K-7b 17. B8h-7g 18. K-8b 19. K-8h 20. P-9d 21. L9i-9h 22. S7a-7b 23. K-9i 24. G4a-5b 25. B7g-8h 26. P-6d 27. S3h-2g 28. G5b-6c 29. S2g-2f 30. P-1d 31. P-3f 32. L1a-1b 33. P-3e 34. R4b-3b 35. P-4f 36. G6c-5d 37. N2i-3g [Now the field 3f remains without protection and it's time to start the attack. ] 38. Px3e 39. R2h-4h 40. P-3f 41. N3g-4e 42. Px4e 43. Px4e 44. B3cx8h+ 45. Kx8h 46. P-3g+ 47. S2fx3g 48. R3bx3g+ 49. R4h-4g 50. +R3g-3f 51. B*1h 52. +R3f-3i 53. P-5f 54. +R3ix1i [Yuji Kikuta commented that white should play N*8d instead to continue the attack] 55. B1h-2g 56. N*3e 57. R4g-4i 58. +R1i-2h 59. B2g-1f 60. L*5g 61. R4i-4h 62. +R2hx4h 63. G5hx4h 64. R*1h 65. P-2d 66. R1hx4h+ 67. B1fx4c+ 68. L5g-5h+ 69. G6i-7i 70. +L5h-6h 71. R*3b 72. +L6hx7i 73. +B4cx6a 74. +R4hx7h 75. K-9i 76. G*8h